Krossroads Opens Inpatient Medical Detox Facility in Las Vegas, NM

Krossroads Integrative Health and Recovery Solutions is proud to announce the opening of Krossroads Withdrawal Management Center, an inpatient medical detox facility located inside Alta Vista Regional Hospital in Las Vegas, New Mexico. This new facility provides a critical resource for individuals seeking professional medical detoxification and recovery support for substance use disorders.

Serving patients from across New Mexico, the Krossroads Withdrawal Management Center offers compassionate, evidence-based care for withdrawal from substances including alcohol, opioids, stimulants, amphetamines, and more. The facility is equipped with a team of 24/7 highly trained medical and behavioral health professionals dedicated to supporting individuals through the challenging first steps of recovery in a safe and supportive environment. The facility has a 12 bed capacity.

Krossroads has no affiliation with Alta Vista Regional Hospital.

Address: 104 Legion Drive, Las Vegas, NM 87701

Phone: 505-570-2526

Referral form link:

2023 We Wish you a Happy New Year

The Raton office is wishing you a Happy and Safe New Year for 2023!

2022 Santa Fe Awards as the best Mental Health Clinic

We are happy to announce that Krossroads Integrative Health & Recovery Solutions has been selected as the Winner for the 2022 Santa Fe Awards in the category of Mental Health Clinic. The Santa Fe Award Program’s purpose is to support and offer public recognition of the contributions of businesses and organizations in and around Santa Fe.

Krossroads Integrative Health and Recovery Solutions has been awarded 501 c 3 Status

Krossroads Integrative Health and Recovery Solutions has been awarded 501 c 3 status from the IRS on April 23, 2021. Krossroads is proud to gain this status which makes the agency eligible for funding through grants and foundations.


Krossroads is excited to begin a new journey into the not-for-profit landscape with the amazing Parallel Services, Continuity of Care, and Comprehensive Recovery and Reintegration Models that serve Mental and Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Disorder individuals and families in and out of the legal system across northern and central New Mexico.

American Home Furniture Does it Again

Ramon Garcia has been a Krossroads client for almost one year. He is in recovery and lives with his parents. He works for his stepdad as a Mechanic. Ramon complained that he was in a great deal of back pain. He rented a bed from rent a center but could only afford low income model. He reports that his back hurt worse with the rental. He started getting massages to relieve the pain. He says they help so he can keep working, but after bills, he can’t always afford them. 

Krossroads CSW Tonya Westerick reached out to Manager, Jack Freed of American Home Furniture to help with donating a new bed to Ramon.  This is the 2nd client that American Home Furniture has helped with. They have a reputation for donating beds to homeless people getting into a new or first apartment. Jack Freed is always so kind to our clientelle and when he can, he will have the beds delivered. They are a great help to the communities of New Mexico, and clients never have to wait long for help. 

Ramon  is getting his bed less than two weeks after the request went in. It is being shipped from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, They are donating to Ramon a queen size mattress and one of those high tech box spring frames too. A good nights sleep is essential for mental and physical health. If you or a loved one are in need of mental health service just give is a call. Our dedicated team can help just like we helped Ramon.

Nano Chavez Earns CPSW Certification

It was announced today that Emiliano Chavez, (Nano) Krossroads Team Member earned the highly regarded Certified Peer Support Worker (CPSW). The CPSW certification takes an enormous amount of study and dedication to earn. Nano has been with Krossroads for under a year and has earned a CSW and CPSW certification. We are proud to have him on our team. Nano works at the Santa Fe location CONGRATULATIONS Nano for a job well -done!!!

Thank you to American Home Furniture

Krossroads Integrative Health and Recovery Solutions would like to thank American Home Furniture for their generous donation of a full queen size bed to a client who was without. Donations Manager: Jack Freed is an amazing person to goes above and beyond by helping out those in need in our community. THANK YOU JACK and THANK YOU AMERICAN HOME FURNITURE!!

Katie Webb, CEO of Krossroads Wins a 2022 Behavioral Health Award

Congratulations to Katie Webb, founder, and CEO of Krossroads Integrative Health and Recovery Solutions for recognition of her work transforming, expanding, and increasing access to behavioral health and substance abuse and recovery services in rural and metro areas in NM. The state of NM Behavioral Health Planning Council receives hundreds of nominations for this prestigious award. Ms. Webb was presented as NM 2021 STAR Award today in a virtual ceremony honoring specific individuals for their work in NM by Governor Michell Lujan Grisham. We are so proud of her.

No C0-Pay for Private Pay Insurance holders

If you have private insurance you can receive behavioral health services and there is no CO-PAY. The State of New Mexico legislature passed senate bill 317. This bill waives cost-sharing for behavioral health services. This bill is key to persons who need behavioral health. Additionally, you do not have to meet the insurance minimum.

Senate Bill 317, titled “No Behavioral Health Cost Sharing”, was signed into law by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham on April 8, 2021, will become effective January 1, 2022, and is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2026. Among other advancements, SB317 prohibits cost-sharing, including imposition of a deductible, for behavioral health (“BH”) services covered by any health care plan “delivered, issued for delivery or renewed in New Mexico”. To ensure that all New Mexicans receive equal treatment with respect to health plan coverage for BH services, the application of the prohibition on cost-sharing for BH services must be standardized across all subject health plans on January 1, 2022. To that end, the New Mexico Office of Superintendent of Insurance (“OSI”) directs every subject health plan to use the following criteria to identify BH services that are not subject to cost-sharing, listed by service type.

Professional Services

  • Professional services rendered by a BH provider, except when delivered in an emergency room or urgent care center.
  • Services rendered by a primary care provider when a BH diagnosis is the 1st or 2nd code on the claim (see definition of BH diagnoses below.)

Outpatient Facility Services

  • Outpatient services, including professional services, are delivered in a BH facility.
  • Outpatient services, including professional services, are delivered in a non-BH facility if the attending provider is a BH provider.
  • Non-emergency room and non-urgent care center outpatient services, including professional services, delivered in a non-BH facility, by a non-BH provider, when a BH diagnosis is the 1st or 2nd code on the claim.
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment services and electroconvulsive therapy services, including professional services.

Inpatient Facility Services

  • Inpatient services, including professional services, delivered in a BH hospital or in the BH department of a general acute care hospital.
  • Inpatient services, including professional services, delivered in a residential treatment center.
  • Inpatient services, including professional services, are delivered in a general, acute care hospital when the attending provider is a BH provider.
  • Detoxification services, including professional services, delivered in a BH hospital, a general acute care hospital, or a residential treatment center.
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment services and electroconvulsive therapy services, including professional services.

Ancillary Services

  • Clinical laboratory services, radiology services, and other imaging services when the ordering provider is a BH provider.
  • Clinical laboratory services, radiology services and other imaging services when the ordering provider is not a BH provider, or when the ordering provider information is not present on the claim, but a BH diagnosis code is 1st or 2nd on the claim.

Prescription Drugs

  • A prescription drug covered on the plan’s drug formulary or authorized by the plan when the drug is in a USP therapeutic category and class combination as specified on the attached list. While examples of drugs in a class are provided, the lists are not all inclusive and the carrier shall ensure its Pharmacy Benefits Manager is able to identify all drugs included in the listed categories and class combinations.
  • Special considerations apply for the off-label use of drugs for the treatment of BH conditions. To that end, the attached list includes some non-BH USP therapeutic categories and classes of drugs that might be used off-label for BH conditions. If the prescriber is a BH provider, the drug is to be considered a BH drug.
    • A BH provider might prescribe drugs from other therapeutic categories and classes that are not on the attached list. It is up to the carrier to determine whether the drug should be treated as a BH drug for cost-sharing purposes.
    • Cost-sharing may be applied to these non-BH drugs if the prescriber is not a BH provider. However, at least monthly, a carrier shall analyze utilization of these drugs to identify members who likely filled these prescriptions for treatment of a BH condition. When confirmed with the prescriber, carriers will reimburse these identified members their cost-sharing expenditures for these drugs and take appropriate steps to remove the cost-sharing requirement for the member when prescriptions for the specified drug(s) are filled in the future.

Krossroads Team members support Raton community members in need.

Raton Volunteer Friday

Krossroads Integrative Health and Recovery Solutions team members volunteered on Volunteer Friday in Raton on November 19, 2021. “Each team members was warm, happy and positive. We are glad theyre here. We want them back every month”, was a quote from a senior in need. Each team member was excited to be there to provide food and support to attendees.